afterflip H p recordfield id 214 ,recordfield id 215 ,recordfield id 216 ,recordfield id 217 ,recordfield id 218 ,recordfield id 219 ,recordfield id 220 ,recordfield id 221 ,recordfield id 222 ,recordfield id 223 ,recordfield id 224 ,recordfield id 225 ,recordfield id 226 ,recordfield id 227 ,recordfield id 228 ,recordfield id 229 ,recordfield id 230 ,recordfield id 231 ,recordfield id 232 ,recordfield id 233 ,recordfield id 234 ,recordfield id 235 ,recordfield id 236 ,recordfield id 237 ,recordfield id 238 ,recordfield id 239 ,recordfield id 240 ,recordfield id 241 ,recordfield id 242 ,recordfield id 243 4ox, oy, moved, prevpos 4ox, oy H0, ty - oy getcurrenttime() H200,0 "This took" && getTime( ) && " buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondoubleclick buttondown moved prevpos buttonstilldown buttonup buttonstilldown buttondoubleclick getcurrenttime This took getTime seconds to move. moved prevpos Does It Matter Where Objects Are?The Background Drag the arrow to a row of objects, then double click it. buttonup buttonup response Aw geeOkaylreadyr me?ha ha ha This tests redrawing of objects on the background and page. The bottom two rows are draw objects on the page and background. 4ox, oy, moved, prevpos 4ox, oy H0, ty - oy getcurrenttime() H200,0 "This took" && getTime( ) && " buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondoubleclick buttondown moved prevpos buttonstilldown buttonup buttonstilldown buttondoubleclick getcurrenttime This took getTime seconds to move. moved prevpos There 4ox, oy, moved, prevpos 4ox, oy H0, ty - oy getcurrenttime() H200,0 "This took" && getTime( ) && " buttonstilldown buttondown buttonup buttondoubleclick buttondown moved prevpos buttonstilldown buttonup buttonstilldown buttondoubleclick getcurrenttime This took getTime seconds to move. moved prevpos flipper afterflip enterpage enterpage "Now good men come their country." getcurrenttime() "It took" && getTime( ) && " buttonup buttonup Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. getcurrenttime It took getTime seconds to do this. An Opaque Overlapping Field "Now good men come their country." getcurrenttime() "It took" && getTime( ) && " buttonup buttonup Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. getcurrenttime It took getTime seconds to do this. A Transparent Overlapping Field "Now good men come their country." getcurrenttime() "It took" && getTime( ) && " buttonup buttonup Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. getcurrenttime It took getTime seconds to do this. An Opaque Field "Now good men come their country." getcurrenttime() "It took" && getTime( ) && " buttonup buttonup Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. getcurrenttime It took getTime seconds to do this. A Transparent Field Be Careful How You Place Fieldsdssssss The speed of typing or of displaying text through OpenScript can vary greatly: :, depending on: getcurrenttime() "It only took" && getTime( ) && " a list 100 things." buttonup buttonup getcurrenttime It only took getTime seconds to pop a list of 100 things. The Right Way --> Pop getcurrenttime() "That was" && getTime( ) && " iterate through a list 100 things." buttonup buttonup getcurrenttime That was getTime seconds to iterate through a list of 100 things. The Wrong Way --> Item An Obscure Concept: Pop, Don't Steptep When referring to items in a comma-separated list, don't step through items by saying "item i of foo". Instead just pop a working copy of the list until it's null. to handle buttonup system realList local wrkList set wrkList to realList while wrkList is not null pop wrkList --do something with IT here end to handle buttonup system realList step i from 1 to itemcount(realList) get item i of realList --do something with IT here end end Some Common Sense.... Sense... Use a common background for similar pages Minimize the number of objects on the page and background Group objects only when your scripts require it Clip bitmaps to as small a size as possible Clean up your books before distributing themed rectangular ones Avoid overlapping objects such as data fields and their labels Use a background pattern of none if you're brave Don't wrap text in fields if you can instead fit it all on one lineve Don't wrap text in fields if you can instead fit it all on one linerap text in fields if you can instead fit it all on one line Maybe These Aren't So Obvious...o Cache property values and object references into variables "Clear" properties or variables instead of setting them to null Put keyDown/Up/Char handlers only where they're needed Limit code in your Idle handler Use the "character" string specifier over "word" or textline" Pre-flip pages before showing the main windowowwndown windowwre showing the main window "cache" "udp" terpage leavepage enterpage enterpage leavepage cache "cache" getcurrenttime() "It only took" && getTime( ) && " refer a property value that was cached buttonup buttonup cache getcurrenttime It only took getTime seconds to refer to a property value that was cached in a local variable. Cache A Property getcurrenttime() "However took" && getTime( ) && " refer directly a default property 2000 times." buttonup buttonup getcurrenttime However it took getTime seconds to refer directly to a default property 2000 times. Refer To A Default Property Referring to Properties vs. Caching Them If you need to refer to a property of an object more than once in a handler, or series of handlers, it will be much faster to set a variable to that value, and then refer to that variable instead of the property. This is especially true for user-defined properties, which take twice as long to get as default properties do. "udp" getcurrenttime() "And took" && getTime( ) && " refer a user-defined property 2000 times." buttonup buttonup getcurrenttime And it took getTime seconds to refer to a user-defined property 2000 times. Refer To A User-Defined Property cache to handle buttonup set bar to name of this page step i from 1 to 2000 set foo to bar end end set syscursor to 1 foo to t end beep 1 set syscursor to 1 to handle buttonup step i from 1 to 2000 set foo to name of this page end set syscursor to 1 of this page end beep 1 set syscursor to 1 et syscursor to 1 to handle buttonup step i from 1 to 2000 set foo to bar of this page end i from 1 to 2000 set xoo to foo of this page end set syscursor to 1 et syscursor to 1 yellow getcurrenttime() "It took" && ( )/1000 && " a message here." buttonup buttonup getcurrenttime It took getcurrenttime seconds for a message to get here. Send Message (Book Handler) getcurrenttime() "It took" && getTime( ) && " a message up the hierarchy 1000 times." buttonup buttonup getcurrenttime It took getTime seconds for a message to float up the hierarchy to the book script 1000 times. Send Message (Book Handler) getcurrenttime() "It took" && getTime( ) && " a message up the hierarchy 1000 times." buttonup buttonup getcurrenttime ^}mbg It took getTime seconds for a message to float up the hierarchy to the background script 1000 times. Send Message (Background Handler) getcurrenttime() "It took" && getTime( ) && " a message up the hierarchy 1000 times." buttonup buttonup getcurrenttime It took getTime seconds for a message to float up the hierarchy to the page script 1000 times. Send Message (Page Handler) getcurrenttime() "It took" && getTime( ) && " a message be sent directly 1000 times." buttonup buttonup getcurrenttime It took getTime seconds for a message to be sent directly to the book script 1000 times. Send Directly To Book Handler getcurrenttime() "It took" && getTime( ) && " a message be sent directly 1000 times." buttonup buttonup getcurrenttime o^}mbg It took getTime seconds for a message to be sent directly to the background script 1000 times. Send Directly To Background Handler getcurrenttime() "It took" && getTime( ) && " a message be sent directly 1000 times." buttonup buttonup getcurrenttime oi_mp It took getTime seconds for a message to be sent directly to the page script 1000 times. Send Directly To Page Handler The Hierarchy And Message Passing Where should you put your scripts? This should give you a clue. The yellow button does the same as the top green button, but from the bottom of a deeply nested group.oup. enterpage leavepage enterpage leavepage getcurrenttime() H15,0 "It took" && getTime( ) && " on the 200 times Hreferencing directly." 105,4500 buttonup buttonup getcurrenttime It took getTime seconds to move a rectangle on the page 200 times by referencing it directly. Reference a Page Object Referring to Objects vs. Caching Themhem Just as caching a property value into a varible increases performance, so will caching a refence to an object. For instance you can say: set foo to button "total" of this background. Then refence foo instead of the button. It'll be alot, which take twice as long to get as default properties do. getcurrenttime() H15,0 "It took" && getTime( ) && " on the 200 times caching a reference 105,4500 buttonup buttonup getcurrenttime It took getTime seconds to move a rectangle on the page 200 times after caching a reference to it. Reference a Cached Page Object getcurrenttime() H15,0 "It took" && getTime( ) && " on the /200 times Hreferencing directly." 105,4800 buttonup buttonup getcurrenttime It took getTime seconds to move a rectangle on the background 200 times by referencing it directly. Reference a Background Object getcurrenttime() H15,0 "It took" && getTime( ) && " on the /200 times caching a reference 105,4800 buttonup buttonup getcurrenttime It took getTime seconds to move a rectangle on the background 200 times after caching a reference to it. Reference a Cached Background Object moregroup morelist leavepage leavepage morelist moregroup /B3L6 field id 302 of page id 37,field id 303 of page id 37,field id 304 of page id 37,field id 305 of page id 37,field id 306 of page id 37,field id 307 of page id 37,field id 308 of page id 37,field id 309 of page id 37,field id 310 of page id 37,field id 311 of page id 37,field id 312 of page id 37,field id 313 of page id 37,field id 314 of page id 37,field id 315 of page id 37,field id 316 of page id 37,field id 317 of page id 37,field id 318 of page id 37,field id 319 of page id 37,field id 320 of page id 37,field id 321 of page id 37,field id 322 of page id 37 rectangle id 247 of page id 37,rectangle id 248 of page id 37,rectangle id 249 of page id 37,rectangle id 250 of page id 37,rectangle id 251 of page id 37,rectangle id 252 of page id 37,rectangle id 253 of page id 37,rectangle id 254 of page id 37,rectangle id 255 of page id 37,rectangle id 256 of page id 37,rectangle id 257 of 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191 of page id 37,field id 192 of page id 37,field id 193 of page id 37,field id 194 of page id 37,field id 195 of page id 37,field id 196 of page id 37,field id 197 of page id 37,field id 205 of page id 37,field id 206 of page id 37,field id 207 of page id 37,field id 208 of page id 37,field id 209 of page id 37,field id 210 of page id 37,field id 211 of page id 37,field id 212 of page id 37,field id 213 of page id 37,field id 214 of page id 37,field id 215 of page id 37,field id 216 of page id 37,field id 217 of page id 37,field id 218 of page id 37,field id 219 of page id 37,field id 220 of page id 37,field id 221 of page id 37 Using Groups And Lists Of Object References Speed explanation Stuff In A Group The GroupA Group buttonup buttonup When you assign a property value to a group, that value propagates on down to the objects of the group. 120,50,100 0,50,100 60,50,100 240,50,100 0,100,0 0,0,0 180,50,100 300,50,100 country ll > 0 getcurrenttime() B"a" B"b" B"c" "This took" && getTime( ) && " buttonup buttonup textfrompoint getcurrenttime This took getTime seconds. i:to1 System Terminal Courier Tms Rmn Symbol Roman Scriptnnnnnnnn ll > 0 getcurrenttime() B"a" B"b" B"c" "This took" && getTime( ) && " buttonup buttonup textfrompoint getcurrenttime This took getTime seconds. i:to1 Green Yellow White Black Magenta buttonup buttonup As Individual Items As A List Of Items As A Group moregroup buttonup buttonup moregroup morelist buttonup buttonup morelist morelist Lists of object references can be very handy. As an author tool, the system variable Selection is great to use for setting properties of many objects at once. Just select all the objects that you want to change and then set a property of Selection to whatever value you want. That value will propagate on down to all the objects in selection. If you want to clear or set the text of many recordfields, use a list of references to the recordfields without the "of background" specifier in each reference..... buttonup buttonup moregroup One good use for groups is controlling the checking of a series of radio buttons. If you group a set of related radio buttons, you can then set the checked property of that group to FALSE. All the radio buttons will become unchecked. An example of the radio button group's script might be: to handle buttonup set my checked to FALSE set checked of target to TRUE endUE endenddUE buttonup buttonup You can set properties of many objects at the same time by making a list of object references to all the objects, and then setting a property of the list, or grouping all the objects and then setting the property of the group, even if that property isn't a default property for a group. grouping all the objects and then setting the property of the group, even if that property isn't a default property for a group. Click a radio button, and then one of the green shadowed fields to see the difference.e group, even if that property isn't a default property for a group. Click a radio button, and then a green shadowed field to see the difference..fference...ty isn't a default property for a group. Click a radio button, and then one of the green shadowed fields to see the difference.e group, even if that property isn't a default property for a group. "test" getcurrenttime() o(48 + (80)) "It took" && getTime( ) && " buttonup buttonup getcurrenttime It took getTime seconds to do this. The Cost of Character and Paragraph Properties Character and paragraph properties have an effect on the speed of displaying text. The Test button on this page puts 200 random characters after the text of the yellow field. Set character and paragraph properties of the yellow field with the two green buttons, and then click the test button. 7[7|RNo5iZ 3O4Myro1>L3D`rH5peFF\yrz6x=oG7ImtY>?Oc|RP1AL6wm?hID^A?C "test" buttonup buttonup character Choose Character Properties "test" buttonup buttonup paragraph Choose Paragraph Properties leavepage leavepage & N v angled button curve ellipse field irregular polygon line+ polygon record field rectangle Button How Big Are Objects? (in bytes) buttonup buttonup More Info These statistics were found by creating an empty book, drawing an object, and then saving the book. A seperate book was saved for each kind of object. An empty book was 6588 bytes. Note that this may not be completely reliable, but it does give you some indication of the cost of each object type. buttonup buttonup System hD|D| `D|D| `D|D| Tms Rmn `D|D| `D|D| Optimizing Your ToolBook Apps s Rmn hD|D| s Rmn hD|D| s Rmn hD|D| s Rmn hD|D| hD|D| hD|D| hD|D| hD|D| hD|D| hD|D| fOldTime s Rmn hD|D| 4svHaHa X"user.exe" DWORD getcurrenttime() getTime fOldTime )/1000 %"#.00" enterbook getTime enterbook sizetopage seconds user.exe getcurrenttime svHaHa getTime getcurrenttime fOldTime hD|D| hD|D| hD|D| hD|D| gD|D| system hD|D| Tms Rmn gD|D| Modern hD|D| buttonup buttonup response I'm shufflin'dyr me?ha ha ha k8 = 0 "brows" H0,-50 H0,50 H0,-50 H0,50 k2 = 0 brows brows brows brows brows bigsmile Button A Carelessly Built Bookok Efficient Clean Concise Book Defunct User Defined Properties Old Hidden Objects Unused Unnecessary references to proper+ Overlapping Objects Unnecessary references to property values Will your books ever be as fast as this Zillion Dollar Car?Could Be Your Bookk 404V4|4 7(8P8 B 0) k400 = 0) "034025036146" "144025036146" y >= 1900 y <= 1999 y >= 1700 y <= 1799 y >= 1800 y <= 1899 y >= 2000 y <= 2099 y >= 2100 y <= 2199 (yr + (yr y4) + + d + m <> 2 "31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31" displayDate m, y %"M" buildcal setup displayDate weekDay daysInMonth setup bmobutton byrbutton currmo curryear stilldown setup buildcal getcurrenttime weekDay daysInMonth Whew! It took me getTime seconds to draw. totdays wrkday weekDay 034025036146 144025036146 mfactor cfactor leapyear daysInMonth 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 leapyear displayDate bmobutton byrbutton hilight false byrbutton 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame2" B"byrbutton" = 1700 B"bmobutton" "January" displaydate buildcal buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame2 byrbutton bmobutton January displaydate frame2 oHSbuildcal frame2 currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame2 byrbutton bmobutton January displaydate frame2 setup currmo curryear stilldown 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame2" B"byrbutton" = 2199 B"bmobutton" "December" > 12 displaydate buildcal > 12 buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame2 byrbutton bmobutton December displaydate frame2 oHSbuildcal frame2 currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame2 byrbutton bmobutton December displaydate frame2 setup currmo curryear stilldown 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame2" B"byrbutton" = 1700 displaydate buildcal buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame2 byrbutton displaydate frame2 oHSbuildcal frame2 currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame2 byrbutton displaydate frame2 setup currmo curryear stilldown 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame2" B"byrbutton" = 2199 displaydate buildcal buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame2 byrbutton displaydate frame2 oHSbuildcal frame2 currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame2 byrbutton displaydate frame2 setup currmo curryear stilldown bmobutton A Tale of Two Border Styles vs... A Slow Boat to China Styles Rounded edged objects take as much as 12 times the time to image as objects with sharp corners. For best performance, avoid their use. Click the green arrow buttons on each calendar to see the difference. frame1 setup 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, B"amobutton" %"m" B"ayrbutton" buildcal m, y Ztotdays, wrkday, i getcurrenttime() weekDay(1, m, y) T - 1 B("a" & i) daysInMonth(m) B("a" & B("a" & i) "It only took me" && getTime( ) && " d, m, y 4leapyear Zmfactor, cfactor Zday1, yr k4 = 0 k100 <> 0) k400 = 0) "034025036146" "144025036146" y >= 1900 y <= 1999 y >= 1700 y <= 1799 y >= 1800 y <= 1899 y >= 2000 y <= 2099 y >= 2100 y <= 2199 (yr + (yr y4) + + d + m <> 2 "31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31" displayDate m, y %"M" buildcal setup displayDate weekDay daysInMonth setup amobutton ayrbutton currmo curryear stilldown setup buildcal getcurrenttime weekDay daysInMonth It only took me getTime seconds to draw. totdays wrkday weekDay 034025036146 144025036146 mfactor cfactor leapyear daysInMonth 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 leapyear displayDate amobutton ayrbutton Ahilight false ayrbutton 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame1" B"ayrbutton" = 1700 B"amobutton" "January" displaydate buildcal buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame1 ayrbutton amobutton January displaydate frame1 oHSbuildcal frame1 currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame1 ayrbutton amobutton January displaydate frame1 setup currmo curryear stilldown 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame1" B"ayrbutton" = 2199 B"amobutton" "December" > 12 displaydate buildcal > 12 buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame1 ayrbutton amobutton December displaydate frame1 oHSbuildcal frame1 currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame1 ayrbutton amobutton December displaydate frame1 setup currmo curryear stilldown 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame1" B"ayrbutton" = 1700 displaydate buildcal buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame1 ayrbutton displaydate frame1 oHSbuildcal frame1 currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame1 ayrbutton displaydate frame1 setup currmo curryear stilldown 4currmo, curryear, stilldown, setup "frame1" B"ayrbutton" = 2199 displaydate buildcal buttonup buttonstilldown buttonup setup frame1 ayrbutton displaydate frame1 oHSbuildcal frame1 currmo curryear stilldown setup buttonstilldown setup frame1 ayrbutton displaydate frame1 setup currmo curryear stilldown amobutton February Racer X 8!~!>&s Using SysLockScreen (16) "Now, ,the, ,good,men, ,come, ,their,country" buttonup buttonup Now,is,the,time,for,all,good,men,to,come,to,the,aid,of,their,country Fill 'em up with junk "Please click the getcurrenttime() "It took" && getTime( ) && " each without buttonup buttonup Please click the blue button first. getcurrenttime It took getTime seconds to clear the text of each field without using sysLockScreen. Clearing Fields w/o SysLockScreen "Please click the getcurrenttime() "However, only took" && getTime( ) && " TRUE, FFALSE." buttonup buttonup Please click the blue button first. getcurrenttime However, it only took getTime seconds when sysLockScreen was set to TRUE, then FALSE. Clear w/ SysLockScreen The 4 blue buttons clear the text of these fields in different ways. Click the yellow button to put text into the fields, then try the blue buttons to clear the text. 4doneit reset 85,1410 40,2610 answer explain enterpage reset enterpage reset doneit reset explain answer -n.8/ 4doneit currObj k2 = 0 getcurrenttime() + 1000 H100,0 p> 8130 H-100,0 H100,0 reset buttonup buttonup getcurrenttime getcurrenttime reset currObj doneit Start The Race Which are faster, paint objects or groups? Sometimes its better to use a paint object than a group if the group is small and complicated. What do you think will be faster in this race? :PHYSSIZE """"" """" "" " "" "" " """ " " " """" """ """"" """ """"" """"" """"" """"" """" """"" " """"""" """" """""" """ "" """"""" """"""" """ """"" """"" """"" "" """"" """" """"""""""" """"""" """"" """""""""" """"""" """" """"""""""" "" """""""" """"""""" "" """"""""""" " """"""""" "" " """"""""" """"""""" """""""""" """""""" """"""""" """""""" """""" """"""""" """""" """""""" """""""""""""" """"""""""""" " """"""""""""" """""" " " V*` & answer This was the group. This was the paint object.. Bets on the paint object: Bets on the group:ects 00ts on the paint object: 06ts on the group:ects Sometimes it's better to use a paint object than a group if the group is small and complicated. What do you think will be faster in this race? buttonup buttonup buttonup buttonup buttonup buttonup buttonup buttonup 4doneit "Hey, you haven't even the race yet!" answer buttonup buttonup Hey, you haven't even run the race yet! answer doneit And The Winner Is... "explain" buttonup buttonup explain How This Was Done explain An loop allowed each object to move 100 page units as many times as it could in 1 second until that object crossed the finish units as many times as it could. explain buttonup buttonup explain flipper Small pages = fast page navigation. Let's check it out. Click the Flip button. flipper "afterflip" buttonup buttonup afterflip response Allright alreadyding ha ha ha 8640,5760 buttonup buttonup sizetopage 6 x 4 7200,4320 buttonup buttonup sizetopage 5 x 3 5760,2880 buttonup buttonup sizetopage 4 x 2 4320,1440 buttonup buttonup sizetopage 3 x 1 getcurrenttime() "flipper" "This took" && getTime( ) && " buttonup buttonup getcurrenttime flipper This flip took getTime seconds. Flip The Face flipper B lX@